Monday, July 28, 2014

The weekend update

This is mostly what I did this weekend. It was too hot to move for the majority. 
Pardon me... Could you hear me snoring? (I don't really you??)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

An Evening in the Park

There is a park by our house that has free concerts on Thursdays in the summer. Mum and I went with some friends tonight. I was a really good boy and got lots of pets and belly rubs from strangers.  Here's a picture of me and mum. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

We are Blogville!

I am Edgar - a seven year old Scottish Terrier living in Lincoln NE with my mum and her fella.  We are Blogville!

This is a blog hop hosted by Murphy and Stanley.  It's our first blog hop and I hope that my secretary Mum did it correctly!  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Mystery

Some Doggy broke in and did this while mum and dad were at work
Momma was MAD!!!