Friday, June 21, 2013

Say what?

It was Take Your Dog to Work Day and you forgot to tell me???

pees... We are also thinking of Benny the French Bulldog...he's Fighting Like a Frenchie!  He's got the bad C-word.  If you'd like to help him out with green papers for his medical bills, hop over here:
and if you can't help out that way, but would like to share some nice words with him and his family hop over here:

Thanks Friends!


  1. How could she forget to tell you??

    Jazzi and Addi

  2. Left behind......again! RATS!

    We never got to go to work with HER. SHE worked in schools...several in one day...AND would you believe there are some people in schools who don't like dogs???!!!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. One of our pups got to go to work for the occasion--You can read our latest post to see how we followed all the rules!

    We are sending good thoughts for your friend!!

  4. Oh no, they forgotted you! How awful; there better be many bacons in your future. We's pulling for Benny hard here at Floppy Tongue Joy too.

