Wednesday, November 10, 2010

what have i been missing?!

here's the blog friend jazzi talks about how much she loves tacos. and i've been very confused because my mum always told me that tacos were for people, not doggies. well tonight mum made tacos for dinner.
they look good, huh? well she left them unattended for just a second or two...and guess what happened?

that's right! i nabbed em! jazzi was right! they are deeeelicious! i wonder what we are having tomorrow?

p.s. thanks to everybody for the welcome and checking out my bloggie. a few people asked about a button to follow the blog and i think that there is one up to the left on the page...mum's not too, what did she call it? tech savvy? so if it doesn't work let us know!


  1. Jazzi would be so proud

  2. Oh Edgar
    You dont know how PROUD I am of you!!! You are my kinda guy thats for sure!! I am still SMILIN....... really BIG with the tongue hangin...out!!


  3. Jazzi had her Mom call our Mom because she was so proud of you. And we were even prouder when we saw that you had dined on a Fiestaware plate.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

  4. You are going to fit right in with Jazzi. I can see the pawriting on the floor. hehehe
    Your FOLLOW button is Right at the Top Left of your blog. I clicked it and it works just fine.

  5. Edgar - We coming over by way of Jazzi's blog and Frankie Furter's blog. You are a popular guy already! Those tacos look yummy!

    The Road Dogs

  6. Hello, Edgar! We're still "lurkers" but we're very glad to see you have your own blog now. We look forward to getting to know you. Things are off to a good start: the Great Taco Robbery!

    Jed & Abby

  7. Welcome to blog land! You are living the good life, I can tell what with those nommy tacos and whatnot.


  8. Now you've gone and done it. I guess I have to try a taco. We Scotties need to stick together.

    Roo Roo, Stuart
